Marijn Mijnders Tickets | 2025-2026 Tour & Event Dates |

Marijn Mijnders Tickets


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Marijn Mijnders studied with Davina van Wely at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague and was awarded the Nicolaï Prize upon completion of her performance degree. She won the Prize of the City of Amsterdam at the 1985 Oskar Back National Violin Competition. Marijn Mijnders served as principal violinist of the North Netherlands Symphony Orchestra from 1985 to 1988.

In 1989, Marijn Mijnders was appointed assistant principal violinist of the Concertgebouworkest. She is also a member of the Uriël Ensemble.

Marijn Mijnders has been playing a beautiful Stradivarius from 1727 since 2015, owned by a private patron, provided to her in loan via Foundation Concertgebouworkest.

2015 - Stradivarius provided to her via Concertgebouworkest Foundation
1989 - appointed assistant principal violinist of the Concertgebouworkest
1985 - principal violinist North Netherlands Symphony Orchestra
1985 - Prize of the City of Amsterdam at the 1985 Oskar Back National Violin Competition
winnaar Nicolaï Prize

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