Nicola Sani Tickets | 2024-2025 Tour & Event Dates |

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Born in Ferrara in 1961, he is a music composer, artistic director, cultural manager and journalist.

He is currently artistic advisor of the Teatro Comunale of Bologna, President of the National Institute of Verdi Studies in Parma, board member at the Foundation "Luigi Nono Archives in Venice", artistic director of the IUC-University Institution of Concerts in Rome, consultant of the German Academy "Villa Massimo" and of the American Academy in Rome for the Italian Affiliated Fellowship. He is also the founder and artistic director of the Project "Sonora", promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the support and the spread of the new Italian music abroad, in collaboration with CEMAT. From 2004 to 2014 he was president of the Isabella Scelsi Foundation in Rome, dedicated to the cultural legacy of the composer Giacinto Scelsi. From 2006 to 2008 he was administrator advisor of the Rome Opera, assuming in 2009 the artistic direction. He was a member of the board of Opera Europa and ECPNM-European Conference of Promoters of New Music; he has collaborated on different occasions with UNESCO and with the institutions responsible for supporting the arts in many countries.

Nicola Sani has studied composition with Domenico Guaccero and electronic music composition with George Nottoli, before specializing with Karlheinz Stockhausen. He has also attended to composition seminars held by Tristan Murail, George Benjamin and Jonathan Harvey. He is the author of works of musical theater, dance, symphonic and chamber compositions, electronic and multimedia productions. His pieces are regularly featured in major international festivals and seasons. His music has been interpreted by conductors, soloists and instrumental ensembles of international renown.

In 2011 he was awarded by the French Minister of Culture with the title of "Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres” for his work and activities in the field of artistic direction. He has also won numerous prizes and awards in Italy and abroad, including the New Connections Award of the British Council, the Prix "Ars Electronica" the Linz Festival, the Guggenheim Prize, the "Giuseppe Verdi Prize" for his career, the Scanno prize "Tanturri Foundation" for his music, the prize "Erato Farnesina" by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the jury prize at the Prix Italia.

Nicola Sani has a large discography and videography to his credit and has written books, various essays and articles published in Italy, Europe and the USA.

The catalog of his works is published by Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, Milan.

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