Itajaí |

Venues in Itajaí


Itajaí is a municipality in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Itajaí has many beaches, among them are the Molhes, Atalaia, Jeremias, Cabeçudas, Morcego, Brava (Angry) Beach and Solidão.

The city was founded on June 15, 1860, but the colonization of Itajaí had started in 1658 when the Paulista João Dias D’Arzão arrived in the region. In 1750, Portuguese colonists coming from Madeira and the Azores made this region their home. By 1823 it became a prominent region for Portuguese settlers and, at the end of the 19th century, received a great number of German immigrants.

One well-known tourist attraction is the Parrot's Beak, a 6-meter-tall rock in the shape of a parrot. The city also has extensive rural areas and natural scenery, with a rich heritage of the Portuguese and German immigrants. Itajaí has a píer for passenger vessels, serving the coast of Santa Catarina and used by the customs, which guides ships in by laser. The Marejada, a Portuguese festival of fishing and seafood, is the principal festival of the city, showcasing attractions relative to the ocean and the Azores. Itajaí is also the hub of Nautical Club Marcílio Dias, a sport association for both football (soccer) and competitive rowing.

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Venues in Itajaí (1)

R. Gregório Chaves, 110 - Fazenda
A 500-seat theater, 10 of which are for wheelchair users, exhibits theatrical plays and various musical shows.
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