Ascona |

Venues in Ascona


Initially, Ascona was a small fishing village, where artists, poets, artists loved to come. Over time, Ascona turned into a major cultural center where international music festivals take place: the New Orleans jazz festival in July and the classical music week in September; festival of street artists - acrobats, jugglers, mimes, actors, tightrope walkers, clowns and other artists perform for free in the narrow streets of Ascona in June.

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Venues in Ascona (2)

Via Bartolomeo Papio
The Collegio Papio is a Roman Catholic secondary school in Ascona, Canton Ticino, Switzerland.
Via Cantonale 47
The provost church of San Martino di Tours is a religious building located in Ronco sopra Ascona, Canton Ticino.
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