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The German lyric baritone Benjamin Appl received his first musical training with the famous Regensburger Domspatzen. He is currently studying with Edith Wiens and Helmut Deutsch's song class at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Munich and at the Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding. During the Master Course, Benjamin Appl strengthened his education with Brigitte FassbaenderDietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Christian Gerhaher, Margret Honig, Rudolf Piernay and Peter Schreier.
In 2002, Benjamin Appl was awarded a Special Prize by the Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation “for his outstanding interpretation of a 20th Century’s Work“, he won a Dieter-Ullrich-Music-Promotion in Munich as well as a scholarship by the Richard-Wagner-Association. In 2003, he was a prize winner of the Bundeswettbewerb “Jugend musiziert”. Since 2007, he holds a scholarship by the ‘Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’ and, since 2008, he is promoted by the Yehudi-Menuhin-Foundation “Live Music Now“.
As a soloist Benjamin Appl has performed with ensembles, such as the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, Arsatius Consort, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, Bach Collegium Zürich and the Ensemble aperto of the Haller Bach-Tage. He was soloist in a service held by Pope Benedikt XVI. in Regensburg on the occasion of his apostolic visit to Bavaria in 2006, broadcasted live worldwide.
Benjamin Appl has sung at festivals such as the Bachwoche Stuttgart, Internationale Sommerakademie Salzburg, Europäisches Musikfest Stuttgart, Internationale Haller Bach-Tage and at the Internationale Bach-Tage Zürich. In 2010, he performed in Paris, G.F. Handel ‘s Samson in Augsburg and sang Gustav Mahler ‘s Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen on a tour of Germany. He also took part in the opening concert of the 2010 Days of Early Music Regensburg.
As a recitalist, Benjamin Appl works closely with pianist Marcelo Amaral and presented various programmes. Chamber music he performed together with clarinetist Ulf Rodenhäuser and cellist Wen-Sinn Yang.
Benjamin Appl has performed Ernesto in Haydn’s Il mondo della luna in Augsburg, Minister in Strauss’ Wiener Blut at Munich’s Prinzregententheater. He sings Papageno in ’s Die Zauberflöte and has performed Dr. Falke in Strauss’ Die Fledermaus in Munich and Regensburg. In 2009, he sang the role of Schaunard in Puccini’s La bohème with the Munich Rundfunkorchester under the baton of Ulf Schirmer. In 2010, he sang Baron Tusendorf in Tri sestri ”with a highly lyrical baritone“ [Opernwelt, April 2010], conducted by Ulf Schirmer. He has worked with producers such as Rosamund Gilmore, Peter Konwitschny and Balázs Kovalik.
In July 2011, at the Berlin State Opera Unter den Linden, Benjamin Appl will sing Baron Tusenbach in ’ Tri sestri. In July and August 2010 the baritone will make his debut at the Ravinia Festival near Chicago.
Many live broadcasted concerts document Benjamin Appl‘s artistic skills.