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Xavier Bonfill (Barcelona, 1986) is a composer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. His pieces deal with the elasticity of time and different kinds of permeability and synaesthesia between instrumental writing and electroacoustic material, between abstract and programatic ideas, and between sonic, visual, music notation and textual languages.
He is currently studying his Masters in Composition at The Royal Danish Academy of Music (DKDM) in Copenhagen with Jeppe Just Christensen and Niels Rosing-Schow.
He has written electronic music, chamber music, interactive multimedia pieces, as well as opera, music for theatre, film and advertising. He won the Berliner Opernpreis in 2014 as a member of the “SpinOff Collective” and he has received support from OSIC (Government of Catalonia), Fundació Phonos (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) and Dansk Komponistforening.
His pieces have been performed in cities like Copenhagen, Barcelona, Madrid, Berlin, Lyon, Helsinki and Vilnius by performers, groups and ensembles such as Diotima Quartet, Jean Thorel, Anna Alàs, María Hinojosa, Miquel Vich and Copenhagen Piano Quartet. He often also performs on stage, mostly on hardware electronic instruments. He has participated, performed or had pieces in festivals such as Sonar Festival, Eufònic, Eufònic Urbà, Pulsar or Zepelin.