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Pier Paolo Scattolin Tickets


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Pier Paolo Scattolin was born in Bologna in 1949; he works as a conductor, choir and composer. He completed his musical studies at the "G.B.Martini" Conservatory of Bologna, where he received diplomas in choral music and choral conducting (1974), composition (1980), conducting (1982). The musical training took place with Grandi, Franchini, Manzoni, Clementi for the composition, Gotti for choral music, G. Bellini, Gelmetti and Ferrara for orchestra conducting. He graduated in classical literature at the University of Bologna (1972).

Director of the Conservatory of Music of Mantua from 1987 to 1997, he was Professor of Choral Music and Choir Conducting and Baroque Chamber Music at the Conservatory of Bologna until 2014. He is currently the artistic director of the choir conductors training course "Chorus" organized by the Euridice choir with the collaboration of Aerco. Since 2013 he is director of the Musical Chapel of S. Biagio Di Cento (Ferrara).

Since 1976 he has been the artistic director of the Choral Society Euridice of Bologna, with which he performs a cappella and symphonic-choral concert activity.

From 1978 to 1988 he conducted the "Ensemble of contemporary music" of Bologna with numerous first performances.

From 1985 to 2001 he was principal conductor of the "Camerata Padana" orchestra of Carpi.

He is a guest at numerous Italian and European orchestras and performs concerts with important European choral formations. He collaborates with chamber groups including the "Kronos" quartet of Los Angeles, the "Krakow Chamber Choir".

In 2000 he participated in the European tour of "Voices of Europe".

From 1998 to 2001 he was artistic director of the "Gaudeamus" choir of the Liceo classico Minghetti in Bologna.

He is the artistic director of the Choral International Festival "Città di Bologna"; he was a member of the jury of the choir competition "M. Ventre" of Bologna; he was president of the composition competition "Seghizzi" of Gorizia and dell'A.E.R.CO. (Emilian-Romagnola Cori Association), consultant of Europa Cantat and was a member of the artistic commission of Feniarco.

In 2004 he founded the Chamber Choir of Bologna ", a professional training specializing in the production of baroque and contemporary music and in the symphonic-choral repertoire and which in 2009 inaugurated the symphonic season of Santiago de Compostela.

Pier Paolo Scattolin Is the author of numerous orchestral, chamber (instrumental and vocal) and choral compositions, of critical editions and writings on medieval music. His compositions for choir are collected in two volumes entitled Itinera I (2007) and II (in press); in his production we also mention the tales in children's music "The Bagpiper" and "The Princess of Ash": among the instrumental and orchestral compositions we note in particular the Requiem for choir and instruments (2008), Fragmenta for piano ( 1980); Ludus for youth orchestra (1987); Search for spinet or celesta (1987); Zodiacus for guitar (1987) and Zodiacus IV for harp, piano and two voices; the symphonic suite "... when that shaman of the moon ..." for orchestra (2001), Bagatella in counterpoint for piano (2002), Small Christmas suite for oboe, violin, harp, voice and organ (2007), Reverbs for two trumpets and organ (2008) and Trenodia (2015).

Performs internships in Italy and Europe of specialization for directors and vocal groups on twentieth-century and contemporary music, chamber music theater and Renaissance-Baroque music (Santiago de Campostella, Krakow, Uppsala etc.).

His most important musicological publications are the critical edition of the "Mass in C major" for soloists, choir and orchestra by F. Schubert, op.48, Neue Schubert Ausgabe, Barenreiter, 1982; "Mensurabilis musicae tractatuli", Forni, Bologna, 1975; "Eurydice - One hundred years of chorus in Bologna", Tamari, Bologna, 1983; the critical edition of "Il Filosofo di campagna" by B.Galuppi, commissioned by the musical association "Farandola" of Pordenone and a volume on the activity of research, dissemination of choral activity and the compositions of Giorgio Vacchi ("Quaderni di Farcoro ”, 8, 2007, Aerco). He is editing the critical edition of the works of Camillo Cortellini for "Quaderni di Farcoro", Aerco Bologna.

Noteworthy among the educational works are the "Propaedeutics to management" published in the "Quaderni di Farcoro" (Aerco) and in a revised and expanded edition by Feniarco (2012) and "Exercises in intonation and reading for choir", "Alea and improvisation for choir". As choir and composer director he has received national and international awards.

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