Lyttelton Theatre schedule & tickets |

Lyttelton Theatre (London, Great Britain)

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15 Mar 2025, Sat
 Lyttelton Theatre schedule & tickets

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Lyttelton Theatre

Lyttelton Theatre

The Lyttelton is a proscenium theatre, conventional in its basic shape and with excellent sightlines and acoustics.

The Lyttelton Theatre was named after Oliver Lyttelton, Viscount Chandos, whose parents were among the earliest effective campaigners for the National Theatre and who was himself its first chairman.

It has seating for about 890 people on two levels: Stalls and Circle.

There are no eye-blocking pillars, circle rails, or other simiar hazards that are found in older theatres. You can see and hear almost equally well from each of its 890 seats. Unlike most traditional theatres, the Lyttelton has an adjustable proscenium, which enables us to present an open-end stage; add a forestage; or create an orchestra pit for up to 20 musicians.

The stalls are on the ground floor. which has lift access from the car park, and the circle is reached via its own lift and stairs, on the level above.

The Atrium Café and Long Bar are both on the ground floor level and the entrance to the Espresso Bar is three steps up from the ground floor foyer. There is also a bar in the Circle foyer, open from one hour before performances.

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