Summer-like temperatures are prevalent in the Landesjugendchor Thuriniga during every season. The reason for this: the four to five rehearsal sessions across Thuringia bring the young singers up to full speed in no time. The choir re-discovers known choir music, brings recognition to unknown works and looks forward to exciting projects every year. All of this of course with the addictive enthusiasm of artistic director Nikolaus Müller and a team of professional vocal coaches.
Concerts at the Deutsche Chorwettbewerb Weimar, the International Händel Festival Halle, at the Wartburg and in Central Germany, the closing concert at the Liszt-Biennale 2019 as well as their first CD with choir music by Wilhelm Berger (1861-1911) have been part of the choir’s successful history since its new establishment in 2013.
The doyen of choir music, Clytus Gottwald, has dedicated three piano pieces by Clara Schumann to the Landesjugendchor in honor of the composer’s 200th birthday in 2019 in a transcription for an a capella choir.
The choir’s upcoming exciting projects are taking place in the year of Beethoven: Café Beethoven with an a capella arrangement from three centuries as well as symphonic choir with the Staatskapelle Weimar or respectively the Beethoven Orchestra Bonn on occasion of the opening matinee of the Beethovenfest Bonn.
To cool off in between rehearsals, biking tours, table tennis or evenings of gaming are organized – in this lively choir community a lot of friendships have been established.
Since the fall of 2016, Nikolaus Müller is university music director and head of the music department at the Ruhr-University Bochum. Two years prior, the Robert-Franz-Singakademie Halle elected him as the artistic director, a year earlier he took over the founding of the Landesjugendchor Thuringia. Nikolaus Müller has repeatedly worked as a guest conductor with orchestras such as the Staatskapelle Halle and the Rhein-Ruhr philharmonics.