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Kari Heiskanen Tickets


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Kari Olavi Heiskanen is a Finnish actor, director and screenwriter.

Life and career
Heiskanen graduated from high school in 1975 and the Finnish theatre school in 1979. He has starred in the group theatre in 1979. From 1988 to 1992, he was acting lecturer and from 1991 to 1996, professor of theatre at the high school. In the period 2002-2006 Heiskanen was the five-year period the artist professor of.

Heiskanen is directed, inter alia, the group theatre, Helsinki city theatre, Finnish national opera, and for television. He's done a lot of plays, TV Shows, Movies. Known Heiskanen became Yle TV1 -channel entertainment series of the brother of the crescent moon (1983-1984) and as a serious actor Maria jotuni's work, based on Yle TV2 drama series the Wobbly house (1990), where he presented the bulk of his wife Sara Paavola with.

Before moving to the most serious art Kari Heiskanen was in the 1980s television entertainment brand names as an actress and as a screenwriter. He was involved in five entertainment series: Being at home, brother of the crescent moon, mud wrestling friends, Taboo and Weird stuff. Heiskanen especially remembered a classic touch to stand its early television comedian partner Pirkka-Pekka Petelius with. Heiskanen has reported on his career in television detective Jukka Annala's work on the 'toolbox' (2006).

In February 2007 premiere at Olli saarela's film Wolf in Heiska's bulk. In the autumn of 2007 Heiskanen took Martti suosalo the role of the Helsinki city theatre in the play master class, when Suosalo got the role of a group of theater, Satan arrives to Moscow.

In 1991, Heiskanen made the film the art of the state award. In 2008, he was awarded the Pro Finlandia medal.

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