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Francesco Maria Veracini (Italian. Francesco Maria Veracini (1 February 1690, Florence, Grand Duchy of Tuscany-31 October 1768, ibid.) was an Italian composer and violinist of the late Baroque era.

Francesco Maria Veracini was born on February 1, 1690 in Florence, in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany in the family of a pharmacist. He studied violin with his uncle, the famous violinist Antonio Veracini, with whom he often performed at concerts. Musical compositions studied in the school of the Cathedral of Florence by Francesco Feroci. Wrote " Concerto Grosso "(ital. Concerto grosso), or "Concerto for violin and eight instruments in d major" (Italian. Concerto per violino e 8 strumenti in re maggiore), first performed in 1711 during the celebrations, on the occasion of the coronation of Emperor Charles VI. In the same year he moved to Venice.

There is a legend that when in 1712 the famous musician Giuseppe Tartini heard veracini playing the violin, he was so impressed by His virtuoso technique, and so disappointed with his own, that, refusing a place in the orchestra, immediately left Venice for Ancona, to improve his skills.

In 1714 Veracini came to London, where between acts at the Royal theatre he performed instrumental pieces, or symphonies. Here he met Francesco Geminiani. The season of 1715 was spent in Dusseldorf at the court of the elector of the Palatinate, Johann Wilhelm, to whom he dedicated his oratorio Moses on the Red sea (ital. Mosè al Mar Rosso). In 1716, in Venice, he wrote six "overtures" (that is, suites) for the orchestra, which brought him wide fame and secured the position of composer at the court of the Saxon elector Augustus the Strong.

In August 1717 Veracini moved to Dresden. In 1721 he wrote a new cycle of sonatas for violin. In 1722, due to a conflict between Veracini and his colleague Johann Georg Pisendel, a musician of emotional and extravagant character jumped out of a second-floor window of the Dresden residence, resulting in a broken ankle and limped for the rest of his life. After his recovery, he spent some time in Prague, where he played in the house orchestra of the counts of Kinski.

Returning to Florence in 1723, he obtained a position as a violinist in the Church and wrote an oratorio. During this time, the composer managed to earn a bad reputation and was nicknamed "sick on the head" (ital. capo pazzo).

In 1733 Veracini again came to London with a concert program. Here for the Opera of Nobility he wrote the Opera "Adrian in Syria" (ital. Adriano in Siria), which was a success with the public. It was followed by "Titus's Mercy" (ital. La Clemenza di Tito, 1737), "Partenio" (ital. Partenio stadium, 1738) and "Rosalinda" (ital. Roselinda, 1744) - with a libretto based on Shakespeare's play "As you like it." Here he wrote the oratorio " the Error of Solomon "(ital. L errore di Salomone). The last two works were received coolly.

After surviving a shipwreck in the English channel, Francesco Maria Veracini returned to Florence, where he received a position as Kapellmeister at the churches of St. pancratius and St. Gaetan, which he retained until his death on 31 October 1768.

Creative heritage
The composer's artistic heritage includes 4 operas, 7 oratorios, a number of symphonic, spiritual and vocal works.

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