Punta del Este | GoComGo.com

Punta del Este

Punta del Este

Punta del Este is a city and seaside resort on the Atlantic Coast in the Maldonado Department of southeastern Uruguay. Starting as a small town, Punta del Este later became internationally known as a resort for the Latin and North American jet set and tourists. Although the city has a year-round population of about 9,280, the summer season greatly adds to this number.

The city, sharing a name with the surrounding municipality, has been referred to as "the Monaco of the South", "The Pearl of the Atlantic", "the Hamptons of South America", and "the St. Tropez of South America". Popular landmarks in the area include the La Mano giant sculpture, the Santorini-styled complex Casapueblo, the resort of La Barra, the Rafael Viñoly designed Puente Garzón bridge, Gorriti Island, Arboretum Lussich, and the Museum of the Sea. Historically, in the Uruguay Round free trade negotiations in Punta del Este, the World Trade Organization was formed.

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