Choir of the Komische Oper Berlin Tickets | 2024-2025 Tour & Event Dates |

Choir of the Komische Oper Berlin Tickets


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Constantly praised by the critics, and named »Best Opera Choir of the Season« in Opernwelt magazine's year book time and again – the choral soloists of the Komische Oper Berlin guarantee superlative singing as well as acting.

"Sublime physicality, musical esprit and phonetic plasticity", is how Opernwelt magazine praised the choral soloists of the Komische Oper Berlin when naming them" Opera Choir of 2015". And this assessment is not only one of the reasons behind the award, but also represents part of the answer as to why Walter Felsenstein – head director of the Komische Oper Berlin from 1947 to 1975 – chose the idiosyncratic description of »choral soloists« for the singers in his choir: because they are singers »who are contractually a part of the choir«, as Felsenstein put it, »but whose acting ability places them on an equal footingwith the soloists«.
This is not only a fact known by the musical directors, but also something much appreciated by the countless directors who have worked with the choral soloists time and again, including Hans Neuenfels, Peter Konwitschny and Barrie Kosky.

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